December Educational Program: Lawndale Residency Program Tour

Saturday, December 7, 2013, 9:45 – 11AM
Lawndale Art Center, 4912 Main St., Houston, TX, 77002

A visit to exhibits and artist’s-in-residence at Lawndale Art Center.

Christine West, Executive Director, of Lawndale Art Center gave a brief history to VAA members and guests. We toured through the current FOUR exhibits learning about the methods and thoughts used to create their work. Of these four exhibit tours, two were done by the artists themselves. Next, we visited the third floor where three resident artists have studios and each of them talked about their current projects. Two VAA T-Tshirts were won at the end of the meeting. With a lot of coffee and snacks provided by both VAA and Lawndale, many people stayed much longer than the almost 2 hour tour. This VAA program exposed attendees to more artwork than any past program.