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Event Information:

  • Sat

    Private Tour of the Toles Collection

    11:00 am - 1:00 pmRSVP for location details
    Program events

    Join Visual Arts Alliance Saturday, June 1, at 11:00 a.m. for a tour of the Cynthia Toles Collection. RSVP to programs@visualartsalliance.org for full details.

    Cynthia “Cindy” Toles is a recently retired financial services lawyer, but she has long cited art and artists as her true passions – particularly fostering the development of young artists and supporting artist residency programs. She has studied Art History at Glassell School of Art and has attended major art biennales and exhibitions nationally and internationally for over forty years. As an active board member and volunteer, Cindy has conceived and led patron development initiatives for museums and arts organizations, for which she organized and led collectors’ art tours. She has served on and/or led boards including: MFAH Glassell School of Art Core International Artist-in-Residency Program and its associated patron support group, Core Salon (Founder); Artpace San Antonio, an international artist residency; Rice Design Alliance (Secretary); Blaffer Gallery of the University of Houston; Buffalo Bayou Partnership Public Art Advisory Board; Houston Arts Alliance and its Public Art and Temporary Art Committees (now on Advisory Council); Blue Star San Antonio; Sala Diaz San Antonio, and Aurora Picture Show, a Houston-based micro-cinema.

    Known for her enthusiasm for daring artworks, Cindy has gained a reputation for identifying and collecting artists early in their careers. “I wait to be hit by shock, confusion, wonder and/or disappointment – any of these stimuli can morph into a desire to have a particular piece.”