Amid the chaos of life you encounter a bit of peace. It could be a face, a sunset, or someone’s overwhelming kindness, but it stops you in your tracks. Providing these moments in paint is my goal as an artist. Growing up in Southern California I fell in love with light, so I work to create a luminous atmosphere you can breathe. I am interested in creating a surface full of dynamic rhythms that your eye can dance across in order to entice the viewer in the here and now. Looking for tension and balance, contrasting colors and unique shapes, I scrape into the surface, wipe out and reapply the paint. I sometimes add mixed media or marble dust. I love the unexpected complexity these additions make. Unique materials require spontaneous decision making, complicating the dynamics I balance across the surface. I want the very act of painting to mirror the experience of the viewer. The most exciting moment is when conflicting shapes and colors form serenity amid the chaos. This, I hope, reminds us we are alive. Moving, breathing, full of stresses in our life, yet for a moment, we can stop and feel the mystery of life.
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