Seghers, Koenraad


Koerie is a Belgian artist, currently living and working in Houston.  In his work he explores a youthful sense of imagination.  This results in fun paintings full of colors and positive energy.  An immaculate product of meticulous attention to stroke and border, his palette is strengthened by his technical execution.  With his work he likes to invite viewers to revisit a childhood past of curiosity and enthusiastic discovery.

Seghers Koenraad 'Swan' Acrylic Paint Seghers Koenraad 'Fire Spitting Dragon' Acrylic paint Seghers Koenraad 'Funky Bird' Acrylic paint Seghers Koenraad 'Bird and Fish' Seghers Koenraad 'Rhino' Acrylic paint

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