Reis, Kelyne


“See life trough colors, bring them to your art -work, and make people happy!!!”

As a painter, I am a player who plays with colors and graphic shapes to tell a story, most of the time my story.

Color is the main subject in my paintings. I let bold colors interact with each other, also hide details, combine unexpected hues, and work with strong contrasts creating, apparently, simple paintings.

The graphic shapes in my paintings limit fields and situations, framing the story I’m telling.

When I start a work, I have a general idea about composition, colors and forms to use to construct the story I am going to tell. But during the process of developing this story, the painting gains its own life, interacting with me, and often showing me directions I haven’t cogitated before.

The work is done when I feel that the emotional connection/dialogue exiting between the painting and myself can now start happening between my painting and the viewer.

Thinker_pink_1000 NW_4.1 BoldBirdGreen_12x12_acrylic on canvas Petit-Embrace_Sculpture Digital Embrace (Modified Reality)#4.small

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